9:42am Saturday 27th July 2024

Health & Safety Advisory and Consultancy Services

HCC Grp Ltd is able to provide full assistance with all your current and future Health & Safety needs / requirements. Whether you run a Small Office or busy Construction Sites, we can provide quick and professional advice and instruction on any Health & Safety related matter.

“Your Workplace Safety is Our Business”

As professional Health and Safety (H&S) Advisors / Consultants, HCC Grp Ltd is able to assist your organisation's effective Health and Safety management by the provision of the following services:

  • Preparation and Production of all key Health & Safety documentation (Procedures/Forms)
  • Support on Developing, Setting and Implementing / Monitoring Policy & Objectives
  • CDM 2015 Guidance and advice
  • Production or Review of Construction Phase Plans (CPP's) or Site H&S Files
  • Conducting Training Needs Analysis and providing H&S E-Learning Solutions
  • Producing / Developing and Implementing Safe Systems of Work / RAMS for working operations
  • Compiling and Reviewing an “Applicable Legislative Listing” for ongoing compliance
  • Conducting Site and/or Workplace inspections
  • Providing Full Internal Audit / Monitoring services for compliance to ISO 45001
  • Accident reporting and investigation
  • Provision of General Health and Safety advice and act as your “Competent H&S Person”
Health & Safety Consultancy Services

We also offer a range of Fully Accredited Health & Safety Training Courses. Click below to visit our Online E-Learning Portal

Online E-Learning Portal

Contact HCC today and let us help you achieve your goals...

Contact our Professionally Qualified Consultants now for further details, or call to arrange a convenient meeting to allow us to discuss and identify your Health and Safety requirements.



Tick the relevant boxes to indicate which services you are interested in:


“Do it once; Do it right; That's the working ethos of HCC Grp Ltd and is the underpinning factor behind our success story. This working ethos has enabled us to achieve and maintain a 100% accreditation pass rate for ALL our clients within our service sectors”

HCC Grp Ltd